To print your design perform the following steps:
- Select File|Printer Setup to select the printer and change its settings if necessary.
* If you have the option "Set printer orientation and page size automatically" checked under Options on the View menu, Printing tab, the application will try to select the printer's page size and orientation for you even after you choose it manually. If the automatic selection is incorrect or you want to choose manually be sure to uncheck this option first.
- Select File|Print Preview to preview the printout before printing or select File|Print to print your design without a preview.
* When you choose the Print Preview you can see how your design will look when printed and what area on the page is not printed by your printer hardware. Most printers have an area around the edge of the page that cannot be printed on which is indicated by the red rectangle on the preview screen.
* Many paper stocks have printable area outside the printable area of most printers. If the edges of your design are cutoff when printed or outside the red rectangle on the preview screen, move the objects in your design further from the edge. The printer's unprintable area is a hardware limitation. No software can print in this area. The unprintable area is usually 0.25-0.50 inches (6.35-12.7 mm) or more around the edge of the page on all sides.
- Select the Sides to Print
* If you select Side 2 (if available) you will be prompted to turn the paper and re-insert it into your printer after side 1 is printed.
* If enabled and your printer supports duplex printing, check the Duplex checkbox to enable duplex printing. Duplex printing allows you to print on both sides of the paper automatically. Some printers have this option built in and others offer an add-on to do this.
- Select the Quantity to Print
* Enter the number of elements or pages you want to print. The number of elements refers to the number of individual labels, cards, etc.
* If a database is linked to the design you can enter the starting record, calculate the quantity to print based on the starting record and the number of records in the database. Check Cycle Records to go back to the first record after the last record is printed.
- Select Options
Start position on first page
This value is the position where the first item is printed on the first sheet. The upper left side item is 1, the number increases across, then down. You must start at position 1 if you are printing both sides of the page.
Print crop marks
Crop marks are marks that are printed at the edge of the paper to show the position of each row and column to aid in cutting the stock. Use crop marks and/or corner marks (see below) as a guide when cutting your own stock.
Print corner marks
Corner marks are marks that are printed at the corner of each element to aid in cutting the stock. Use corner marks and/or crop marks (see above) as a guide when cutting your own stock.
Print Filename at Top of Page
Printing the filename on the page can help you when proofing multiple designs. Choose this option to print the filename of the design file at the top of the page.
Print Filename at Bottom of Page
Printing the filename on the page can help you when proofing multiple designs. Choose this option to print the filename of the design file at the bottom of the page.
Because all printers are slightly different, it is recommended that you print a single page draft of your design the first time you print. Do this on regular paper and verify that the alignment is correct to avoid wasting expensive specialty stock.
If your printout is not aligned correctly on the printout, see Modifying the Layout of a Design